Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello All,

Since the end of the month of January is nearing, I thought it would be a good idea to update everyone on my New Year's MUSTS:

1. "Take better care of myself!" - Well....As of this morning, I have lost a total of 14 pounds!!! I am pretty proud of myself and I can see and feel the difference. I am learning to enjoy food and enjoying exercising! And Kyle is doing well too!!! He is such a great support for me.

2. "SCRAPBOOK more!!!" - I have finished so many pages in the past couple weeks and I tonight I am headed to my second class of the year.

3. "Organize my scrapbook room" - this is still a work in progress, but Kyle and I have been talking alot about putting up cabinets, etc.

4. "TRY to stop biting my nails!" - I had my acrylic nails removed on 1/14 and so far so good!!!

5. Get a new blackberry" - DONE! Kyle and I got new blackberry storms and we love them!!!

6. "Take some cake decorating classes"
- haven't looked into it's only January!

7. "Visit California." - we are thinking of taking a weekend trip either in the spring or sometime at the begining of the summer.

8. "Think, feel, act, believe positively!" - Ah!!! This, I believe, has changed my life and the way that I think and feel about myself!!!

9. "Minimize stressers!" - I am still working on this. I am learning to leave work at work and not sweat the small stuff! Oh, and not let others bring me down!

10. "Expand the family" - Also, still a work in progress! There are many great things in store for us in the near future! For now, we are enjoying being married and God will bless our family soon!

We are also looking forward to the Superbowl this weekend and we will be rooting for the Cardinals!!! And I took Monday off of work so that Kyle and I can spend the day together for my birthday (Kyle and I both work on Tuesday, which is my actual birthday).

I am really looking forward to what February has in store for us!!!



Ashley & Chad said...

I wish you lived closer to me...I would like someone to walk with!

Johanna said...

Congrats on your weight loss!!! I sooo need to work on that! I love reading your blogs! Happy Belated Birthday!!! Miss ya!