Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello All,

Since the end of the month of January is nearing, I thought it would be a good idea to update everyone on my New Year's MUSTS:

1. "Take better care of myself!" - Well....As of this morning, I have lost a total of 14 pounds!!! I am pretty proud of myself and I can see and feel the difference. I am learning to enjoy food and enjoying exercising! And Kyle is doing well too!!! He is such a great support for me.

2. "SCRAPBOOK more!!!" - I have finished so many pages in the past couple weeks and I tonight I am headed to my second class of the year.

3. "Organize my scrapbook room" - this is still a work in progress, but Kyle and I have been talking alot about putting up cabinets, etc.

4. "TRY to stop biting my nails!" - I had my acrylic nails removed on 1/14 and so far so good!!!

5. Get a new blackberry" - DONE! Kyle and I got new blackberry storms and we love them!!!

6. "Take some cake decorating classes"
- haven't looked into it's only January!

7. "Visit California." - we are thinking of taking a weekend trip either in the spring or sometime at the begining of the summer.

8. "Think, feel, act, believe positively!" - Ah!!! This, I believe, has changed my life and the way that I think and feel about myself!!!

9. "Minimize stressers!" - I am still working on this. I am learning to leave work at work and not sweat the small stuff! Oh, and not let others bring me down!

10. "Expand the family" - Also, still a work in progress! There are many great things in store for us in the near future! For now, we are enjoying being married and God will bless our family soon!

We are also looking forward to the Superbowl this weekend and we will be rooting for the Cardinals!!! And I took Monday off of work so that Kyle and I can spend the day together for my birthday (Kyle and I both work on Tuesday, which is my actual birthday).

I am really looking forward to what February has in store for us!!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sorry it has been a while since I have last posted - I was fighting the wonderful bronchitis! I feel much better now, but it sucked for a while. I had a great weekend. Kyle and Zak did some hiking on Saturday morning, so Joleen and I spent the day together. We had breakfast at IHOP, went to Home Depot to look for cabinet ideas for my scrapbook room, did some shopping at the SS mall (I bought some Fiestaware and Jo bought some CuTe maternity clothes - she already looks adorable), went to the scrapbook store, met the boys for an afternoon matinee (Bride Wars), went to Hobby Lobby, and then hung out at the Strattons for the rest of the night. Jo gave me a cute gift bag to help me accomplish all of my MUSTS for 2009! I am so thankful and blessed to have her in my life!!!

Not really looking forward to work this week, but I am looking forward to some other things....I'll be getting my new blackberry soon! Hopefully I'll get some more scrapbooking done and also get started planning my redesign of my scrapbook room!

Love and miss you, moms and dads Redlich and Kelly! Thank you for your support Jo, you are the bestest friend a girl could ask for!!!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!!! We didn't do anything to celebrate the new year. Kyle had a pretty bad head cold, so this sort of made it hard to make any plans. I can't believe it is already 2009! 2008 came and went, but we have such great memories that will last a lifetime. As I reminisce, I come to the conclusion that I need to make this year really count. Here are 10 things I want to do this it resolutions, but I call it MUSTS!

1. Take better care of myself! Lose weight, eat better, get out and do stuff! And drink more water!

2. SCRAPBOOK more!!! I am so far behind on my scrapbooking, I can't even tell you! Which brings me to my next point...

3. Organize my scrapbook room...although, it may sometimes APPEAR to be organized, it isn't! Next project Kyle and I are undertaking is improving my scrap space - with cabinets or something!

4. TRY to stop biting my nails! I hate having to wear acrylics, and I really hate having to pay for them. This is 28 years in the making, so we'll see how this goes.

5. Get a new blackberry...I'm spoiled, so what!

6. Take some cake decorating classes....and I'm bring mommy-to-be, Jo with me!

7. Visit California. I've never been and I just want to go to finally be able to say that I went.

8. Think, feel, act, believe positively! I can't let negativity ruin my life! I can, I want, I will. "Everything is possible for those who believe." - Mark 9:23

9. Minimize stressers! Kind of a bounce off of #1 and #8. I need to surround myself with positivity and smiling faces! My life is absolutely amazing and I need to remind myself of this! Stress and anxiety lead to nothing but more stress and anxiety! "The source of anxiety lies in the future. If you can keep the future out of mind, you can forget your worries.” - Milan Kundera.

10. Expand the family - hopefully we will. Heck, someone in my huge family is probably on this path already! Many of our friends already are! Yay for babies!

Peace, love, and happiness to you all in 2009!