Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sorry it has been a while since I have last posted - I was fighting the wonderful bronchitis! I feel much better now, but it sucked for a while. I had a great weekend. Kyle and Zak did some hiking on Saturday morning, so Joleen and I spent the day together. We had breakfast at IHOP, went to Home Depot to look for cabinet ideas for my scrapbook room, did some shopping at the SS mall (I bought some Fiestaware and Jo bought some CuTe maternity clothes - she already looks adorable), went to the scrapbook store, met the boys for an afternoon matinee (Bride Wars), went to Hobby Lobby, and then hung out at the Strattons for the rest of the night. Jo gave me a cute gift bag to help me accomplish all of my MUSTS for 2009! I am so thankful and blessed to have her in my life!!!

Not really looking forward to work this week, but I am looking forward to some other things....I'll be getting my new blackberry soon! Hopefully I'll get some more scrapbooking done and also get started planning my redesign of my scrapbook room!

Love and miss you, moms and dads Redlich and Kelly! Thank you for your support Jo, you are the bestest friend a girl could ask for!!!


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