Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Kelly Update!!!

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long that I've updated. It has been a stressful few weeks to say the least. The "morning sickness" went away for a couple weeks and is now back in action! As a side note....I'm not sure who invented the term morning sickness, but they lied. I have all day sickness. LOL The zofran is like water and doesn't seem to help much. I think I'm just becoming used to is now, though.

The best news of all is that we got to see our little superstar today!!! Today, I am 11 weeks 3 days. Baby Kelly was bouncing around and kicking and playing with the umbilical cord. Heartrate was 167, so still strong! My dad and I think it is a boy and my mom and Kyle think it is a girl. Either way, we will be blessed!!! We don't have a preference as long as baby is healthy, but that won't stop us from finding out the sex in a couple months!!! My due date is still set at December 27th. Here are a couple of pics from today's ultrasound:
Here is the video from the appointment. It is long because she recorded almost the whole session so the tech stops to get some measurements periodically. Eventually, you can see the baby kicking around. It was such a great sight! Even the ultrasound tech was giggling watching the baby.

On another note, Kyle is doing okay. He was having some headaches and some issues with his eyes. He went to see our friend Karen to have his eyes checked out and she noticed some swelling around his optic nerve. She was sweet enough to refer him to another doctor, who referred Kyle to a neurologist. They had Kyle do an MRI and lumbar puncture to rule out some major possible causes. So far, everything is clear!!! No tumor, no MS, no diabetes, no high blood pressure, etc. There are still a couple of things waiting to come back, but other than his symptoms, Kyle is perfectly normal. The doctor thinks that he just has increased fluid behind his optic disk. If they do not find a possible cause, they can give him a diuretic to decrease the fluid volume, which will decrease the pressure behind his optic disk. This, we hope and pray, will take care of the problem and Kyle's symptoms will go away. He goes again on Wednesday, 6/17 to meet with the neurologist again.

I, however, cannot go with Kyle to his appointment because I have been summoned for jury duty! BOOOOOO!!! I think I'm a jury duty magnet.

Anyway....I have also posted the video from the first ultrasound.

Hope all of you are well!!!
