Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Sydney has become such a wonderfully happy baby. She babbles, giggles, and smiles all of the time now. She's also learning to roll over. Right now, she can only roll from side to side. She is learning to enjoy tummy time more and more. In the past month, she has discovered her hands and loves to have them either in her mouth or swatting at her toys dangling from her bouncer. She is also drooling a ton too. We are enjoying watching her grow and learn new things.

Here are some pics of our little Lucky Charm...

Here is a video from today. Sydney is now the voice of reason in our household! :)

We are looking forward to our visit to Louisiana in May. I'm sure Sydney will weigh a ton by the time we get there! She's growing so quickly!



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9 out of 10 ain't bad!!!!!!

Since we are already well into 2010, I thought I would give an update as to how well I did with my 2009 New Year's MUSTS. I am actually quite excited that I was able to accomplish as many as I did. Here we go...

1. "Take better care of myself" - before I got pregnant, I lost around 25 pounds....While pregnant, I unfortunately gained some of this back. I am now working on getting that off again. :( But overall, I managed to do well. DONE!

2. "SCRAPBOOK more" - While pregnant, I was able to get in some good scrapbooking time in either at home or at the scrapbook store. I also made my Louisiana baby shower invites and thank you cards. I worked a bit on Sydney's book prior to her arrival. This is an ongoing MUST! DONE!

3. "Organize my scrapbook room" - In March (2009), Kyle and I purchased some items from Staples and put them together. My scrapbook room turned out really good and I love using it! DONE!

4. "TRY to stop biting my nails" - I've actually done quite well with this! DONE!

5. "Get a new blackberry" - DONE!

6. "Take some cake decorating classes" - I took a class at Michael's with my friends, Joleen and Lynette. DONE!

7. "Visit California" - We didn't get around to going to California this year, but we would like to take Sydney to see the maybe this year! NOT DONE. :(

8. "Think, feel, act, believe positively" - At the beginning of the year I felt extremely positive. As the year progressed, I have to admit that I didn't do as well of a job. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I worried alot because I just wanted everything to work out. As far as work goes, I left work at work and just spent my time doing the job that I knew I was capable of. This made for such a better workday! DONE!

9. "Minimize stressers" - See above...Also, I cut my hours about mid year to accomodate doctor's appointments and just relax and take it easy. I was also placed on bedrest for the last 3.5 weeks of my pregnancy. At that point, I didn't have many stressers! Well, except for the anxiety of the Sydney's safe arrival. DONE!

10. "Expand the family" - We welcomed our precious Sydney Violet Kelly on December 22, 2009. We could not be happier. She is such a blessing to our family. DONE!
