Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Louisiana trip!

We left for Louisiana on 12/4 and it was nonstop from the moment we got there to the moment we left on 12/8! We went to D.I.'s cajun restaurant on Friday night to have dinner and listen to a cajun band.
My mom, me, and my sister, Raven...
My dad and I...My sister and her husband, Chad...Kyle and I...Tanya and I...Jaiden and I...Silly Jaiden and Wes...On Saturday, my family had their annual holiday dinner. It was great to see everyone since we had not seen most of them since the last holiday dinner in 2007. The kids are growing up fast! We had a great time and our bellies were definitely full!!

Then, on Sunday, we met with Tanya and Wes and had lunch. Afterwards, we had the girls open their gifts from Nanny.Love,


1 comment:

Cindy Redlich said...

We enjoyed every minute of the time we shared with both of you. My only regret was the shortness of the visit. Love you both.