Monday, July 18, 2011

It's been a while....

So I realize it has been quite a while since my last post. Facebook consumes is where I'm easily able to post pictures and videos for my friends and family to view. Now, after speaking with several different family members, I'm starting to realize that some people still don't use Facebook (I shiver at this thought...LOL). Anyway, so much has happened since the last update. I will try to update the best I can through several different posts. 

Sydney turned 1 year on December 22, 2010. Her first year was filled with lots and lots learning....for all of us! Here are just a FEW of her first year milestones/happenings:

-First smile (gas-induced) - 1 day old
-First real bath - 13 days old
-First real smile - 2 weeks old
-Hospital admission for RSV - 5 weeks old
-Sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at night - 8 weeks old
-Rejects pacifier - 3 months old
-First two words "ma ma" and "hi" - 3 months old
-Rolling - 3.5 months old
-First vacation - 4 months old
-First food (rice cereal) - 4 months old
-First plane ride - 4.5 months old
-Baptism - 4.5 months old
-First veggie (green beans) - 4.5 months old
-Sitting upright (with boppy pillow in case of fall) - 5.5 months old
-First time in swimming pool - 5.5 months old
-Sitting completely unassisted - 6.5 months old
-Learned to clap hands - 7 months old
-Army crawling/dragging -7.5 months old
-Goes from laying position to sitting - 8 months old
-First tooth...and the second shortly thereafter - 8 months old
-Pulls self to stand - 8 months old
-Crawling - 8 months old
-Walks along furniture - 8 months old
-Dances - 8 months old
-First step - 9.5 months old
-3rd and 4th teeth - 10 months old
-Walking like a pro - 10.5 months old
-Walking and running - 11 months old
-Blows kisses - 12 months old
-Loves to point at things - 12 months old
-No more bottles or formula - 12 months old
-First birthday party - 12 months old!!!!

Sydney's 1st Birthday was so much fun. We had two with friends the weekend before her birthday and one when my parents and sister on her actual birthday. Here are just a few photos from her "Look Whoo's Turning One" owl themed birthday party:

I made these adorable little guys...all by myself! I think they turned out really well!
I also made these little party-favor bags for each of the kiddos (I used photoshop and iron-on transfers and purchased the bags from Hobby Lobby - one of my favorite places on the planet).
The birthday girl!!!
The Kellys!
She didn't like the cake I made for her...but she did sample the chocolate cupcakes...
More to come....

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