Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Sydney has become such a wonderfully happy baby. She babbles, giggles, and smiles all of the time now. She's also learning to roll over. Right now, she can only roll from side to side. She is learning to enjoy tummy time more and more. In the past month, she has discovered her hands and loves to have them either in her mouth or swatting at her toys dangling from her bouncer. She is also drooling a ton too. We are enjoying watching her grow and learn new things.

Here are some pics of our little Lucky Charm...

Here is a video from today. Sydney is now the voice of reason in our household! :)

We are looking forward to our visit to Louisiana in May. I'm sure Sydney will weigh a ton by the time we get there! She's growing so quickly!



1 comment:

Cindy Redlich said...

Shaa baby, I still cry every time I watch that video.Can't wait to finally see you guys again and be able to snuggle with Sydney. Love and miss you all!