Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9 out of 10 ain't bad!!!!!!

Since we are already well into 2010, I thought I would give an update as to how well I did with my 2009 New Year's MUSTS. I am actually quite excited that I was able to accomplish as many as I did. Here we go...

1. "Take better care of myself" - before I got pregnant, I lost around 25 pounds....While pregnant, I unfortunately gained some of this back. I am now working on getting that off again. :( But overall, I managed to do well. DONE!

2. "SCRAPBOOK more" - While pregnant, I was able to get in some good scrapbooking time in either at home or at the scrapbook store. I also made my Louisiana baby shower invites and thank you cards. I worked a bit on Sydney's book prior to her arrival. This is an ongoing MUST! DONE!

3. "Organize my scrapbook room" - In March (2009), Kyle and I purchased some items from Staples and put them together. My scrapbook room turned out really good and I love using it! DONE!

4. "TRY to stop biting my nails" - I've actually done quite well with this! DONE!

5. "Get a new blackberry" - DONE!

6. "Take some cake decorating classes" - I took a class at Michael's with my friends, Joleen and Lynette. DONE!

7. "Visit California" - We didn't get around to going to California this year, but we would like to take Sydney to see the ocean...so maybe this year! NOT DONE. :(

8. "Think, feel, act, believe positively" - At the beginning of the year I felt extremely positive. As the year progressed, I have to admit that I didn't do as well of a job. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I worried alot because I just wanted everything to work out. As far as work goes, I left work at work and just spent my time doing the job that I knew I was capable of. This made for such a better workday! DONE!

9. "Minimize stressers" - See above...Also, I cut my hours about mid year to accomodate doctor's appointments and just relax and take it easy. I was also placed on bedrest for the last 3.5 weeks of my pregnancy. At that point, I didn't have many stressers! Well, except for the anxiety of the Sydney's safe arrival. DONE!

10. "Expand the family" - We welcomed our precious Sydney Violet Kelly on December 22, 2009. We could not be happier. She is such a blessing to our family. DONE!


1 comment:

Cindy Redlich said...

I think you did a wonderful job last year and I am extremely grateful for my sweet grandbaby Sydney. Keep up the good work and enjoy life! Love you all!