Sunday, August 30, 2009

Update on the New Year's MUSTS list!!!

Oh man I know it has been a while since I've updated my New Year's MUSTS list. When I decided to look at it, I was thrilled to see the progress. Let's look at each individually shall we:

1. "Take better care of myself!" - Well....Prior to getting prego, I had lost about 25 pounds. I have since gained some of this back due to the enlargement of my uterus. I am doing great, not necessarily dieting, but trying to eat my servings of veggies and fruits. I have had a chicken aversion since becoming pregnant that unfortunately hasn't gone away.
2. "SCRAPBOOK more!!!" - I have not taken many classes lately, but I have been spending alot of time throwing pages together from previous classes. And I've also been working on assisting my baby shower hostesses with the shower invites. My next project is to work on Sydney's baby album, Christmas cards, and Sydney's birth announcements. After all, I need something to keep me indoors and out of the 115 degree heat!
3. "Organize my scrapbook room" - I am so thankful to say that we have successfully completed this one. I LOVE my new scrap space. If you missed it, see my post from 4/3/09.
4. "TRY to stop biting my nails!" - This is still a work in progress. Old habits are definitely hard to break. I am proud to say that I no longer chew them off until they bleed....I know - GROSS!
5. Get a new blackberry" - DONE! Kyle and I got new blackberry storms and we still love them!!!
6. "Take some cake decorating classes" - I'm also proud to say that this one is complete!!! I took a cake decorating class at Michaels with my friends Joleen and Lynette. It was such a good experience, but there was alot of work involved. Here are some pics:
Cake 1:
Cupcakes: Final cake:After the last class....Yummy!
7. "Visit California." - still a work in progress....
8. "Think, feel, act, believe positively!" - I live by this every day.
9. "Minimize stressers!" - I have also made great progress with this. I have recently cut my hours at work to accomodate doctor's visits and to spend more time relaxing and enjoying the remainder of my pregnancy. I need to take care of the little life that is growing inside of me!
10. "Expand the family" - So thrilled and excited about this. I am 23 weeks today and we are counting down the days until we meet our little MIRACLE SYDNEY!!!!!


Joleen Stratton said...

You are doing great on these. I kind of wish I had made some New Year Musts. I probably wouldn't have accomplished them though. We should get together and make our Christmas cards. In the past I made them every summer. This year I'm shooting for them to be made and sent out before December 25th.

Cindy Redlich said...

Glad to see you have accomplished most of your list. The cakes and cupcakes look wonderful and yes, YUMMY! The shower invites came out fantastic as does every thing you do. Keep up the positive attitude.! Love you!