Saturday, December 12, 2009

38 weeks - Still here....still pregnant :)

Sorry it has been so long since we've updated. I'm officially on bedrest now due to my amniotic fluid levels dropping and my blood pressure not being totally stable. Things are much better now. It will be three weeks on Monday since I've started bedrest and so far things are going well. I have been seen by my doctor and the perinatologist about 2-3 times per week and things have been okay so far. They have also been worried that Sydney isn't gaining enough weight, so they are monitoring us extra closely.

Here are a couple of shots from the perinatologist appointment two Fridays back.
Here is one with her mouth open with her tongue sticking out..
I go to the perinatologist again on Monday for them to do some more monitoring and measurements. As of now, the plan is to induce around the 21st unless she is ready and decides to come on her own. We are so unbelievably excited to have her join our lives and introduce her to the rest of the family. She will be the greatest Christmas gift we can ask for.

I will post more pics as soon as I get them. My hope is that the next post will be introducing her to everyone!



Joleen Stratton said...

Its about time you updated this. HE HE! I can't wait to meet her. Not too long now. Make sure you take some last pregnancy pictures.

Cindy Redlich said...

I am so glad things are looking better for you and Sydney. Dad and I can't wait to see you and Kyle and baby Sydney in a little over 2 weeks!!! Love you guys!