Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Brace yourself, we are going to be parents!!!

Well, Kyle and I told some of you already, but we wanted to officially let the rest of our close family and friends know that were are finally expecting! It has been such a long journey, but this moment makes it all worth it. I am 7 weeks 3 days as of today. My "due date" is December 27th. I feel a little bad for the little one possibly having a birthday around Christmas/New Years, but he/she will have to forgive us once they know how much we longed for them! It's the best Christmas gift we could have ever asked for. And my mom's birthday is Christmas eve, so I guess we'll see!!! We actually found out we were expecting during our trip to Vegas, so this baby is already our lucky charm!!!

We had an ultrasound today and got to see the little flickering heartbeat (135bpm) and it was absolutely amazing! Boy, maybe??? I attached a couple of pictures of Baby Kelly AKA, the Blob! It doesn't look like much of anything right now (well, maybe not to you guys), so I'm excited to go back in 4 weeks to get another ultrasound. My doctor seems to think that everything is moving along in the right direction even considering the miscarriage a while back. I'm really hopeful that this pregnancy will thrive and this little one will join the family soon. As for me, I've been feeling not-so-hot. Even drinking water makes me nauseated and the nausea seems to get progressively worse throughout the afternoon/ the extent that I sometimes can't function and I just sleep. But, once this little one is in my arms, I will forget this whole time. Oh, and today I got an RX for Zofran!

Thank you all for your continued love and support and many prayers. God is so good! I really hope that all of you are doing great and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Here is the video:




Joleen Stratton said...

We are so excited for you guys. It will be so much fun for us all to learn how to be parents together. I hope the Zofran works for you and you have an okay first trimester. If you need anything let me know. I have plenty of sympathy for you.

Cindy Redlich said...

WOO HOO!!!!! I'm gonna be a "GRANNY" Dad and I are so excited and so proud. We love you both and are looking forward to a happy, healthy, grandbaby. It will be the best Christmas and Birthday present you guys could ever give us! You and Kyle will make fantastic Parents, no worries there. Everyone back home is praying for you guys and the soon to be Kelly family member. Love and miss you both! Oops, make that all three now!!!