Friday, April 3, 2009


Lots going on lately, but I'm here to update!!!

We went to a Suns game with Jo and Zak. We had a good time.
Also, I finally got around to taking some pictures of my scrapbook room...I'm really happy with how it turned out. There are still some little things that I need to do before it will be complete, but here it is as of now.
Lilly likes my new room as well. She has been quite attached to us lately. She won't be too happy with us when we have to trim her winter coat!
I had been suffering from what I thought was a UTI. I had some pretty bad left back pain on Wednesday and Thursday, so I went to the doctor and they discovered blood in my urine. I had a CT scan and they suspected kidney stones. They couldn't see any active stones on the scan, but they said they could see where stuff may have been. The pain has let up alot and I'm hopeful that all is well now.

I didn't think it would ever happen....but I've become addicted to the Twillight series! Yep, that's right! I am currently in the middle of book 3 - Eclipse. The movie from the first book was okay, but I would definitely recommend the book over the movie...any day.

I've also been working on some "projects" recently, but I can't post them until a little later.

We are making pizzas tomorrow at Zak and Jo's house. We are heading Vegas again in April - totally looking forward to that! Jo's baby shower is 5/1. And my Godmother is planning to visit mid-May.

Hope everyone is having a blessed April so far. Until next time...



1 comment:

Cindy Redlich said...

The room came out awesome, as I knew it would, hah!! I'm very glad you are feeling better, I was definitely worried. I'm sure you are looking forward to Susan visiting. Dad and I have been talking alot about when we are goiing to go for a visit, hopefully in November if all goes well. Love you both, keep up the good work!