Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Kelly's!

We had Thanksgiving in our new house this year and we were lucky enough to have Zak and Jo join us. We had so much food: turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potato/wild rice mash, corn, cranberry, and rolls. For desert we had cherry pie and pumpkin pie (from Village Inn - I was too lazy to bake, haha!) and Zak made an apple pie that was to-die-for!

This year I am very thankful for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon name just a few:

1. We have the best friends in the ENTIRE world

2. We moved into our BeAuTiFuL new house in February

3. Our jobs have been great to us

4. I got a much needed new car

5. My sister, brother-in-law, and my cousin David came for a visit in May

6. We went to Las Vegas TWICE

7. We visited Kyle's parents in October

8. We will visit my parent's in December.

9. One of my best friends from Louisiana is the mother to my spoiled-rotten Godchild, Jaiden, who turned 4 this year and is absolutely adorable....did I mention she is also spoiled?

10. We went to the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon

We have only one other blessing that we keep praying for and hopefully we will get it one day, God willing.

Me, reading the newspaper (AKA browsing the black Fridays ads)...
Zak eating the burnt marshmallows...
A feast fit for a king...

Great food and friends. Kyle is taking the photo...



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